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Year: 2019 (1380 items)
1 The effect of strategic management organizational commitment and organizational culture on employees work achievement in Higher Education Muhammadiyah Indonesiaarticle
2 Assessing the relationship between program education objectives and program learning outcomes in outcome-based education using partial least squares-structural equation modelarticle
3 Secondary school students’ Green chemistry experiment, knowledge, attitude and practice: instrument development and an exploratory study in Malaysiaarticle
4 Seni sebagai terapi banduan melalui program kreatif seni di penjara Malaysiaarticle
5 Translation and adaptation culture: Experience workplace incivility scale in Indonesiaarticle
6 Two sets of dynamic stretching of the lower body musculature improves linear repeated-sprint performance in team-sportsarticle
7"Enhancing anaerobic performance using mindfulness acceptance commitment-physical (MAC-P) training approach "article
8'Push-Pull' model of lifelong learning in Perak and Selangorarticle
9"Huashan Rock Art" dalam konteks sosiobudaya etnik Luoyue, Guangxi, Chinaarticle
101MDB: corporate governance going berserk? part IIarticle
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