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2031 | 2022 article | The need and effectiveness of form Two algebraic expression training module Foo, Jing Yao The aims of the study are to determine the need and effectiveness of Algebraic Expression Training Module (Mi-T2) in improving Form Two students’ higher order thinking skills. The level of thinking skill of Malaysian students is still low. A descriptive study and quasi-experimental study was conducted at a secondary school in Perak in order to determine the need and effectiveness of Mi-T2 module. Questionnaires about the need of Mi-T2 training module, pre-test and post-test were the instruments being used in the study. The school teacher provided responses by completing questionnaires to determine the need of module. A control group and experimental group were selected from the Form Two classes to be the sample study. They had to answer the instruments pre-test and post-test before and after the treatment. The findings showed that 80% mathematics teachers indicated that there is a need for the Mi-T2 training module. The comparison of the mean scores for the experimental group and con..... 412 hits |
2032 | 2022 article | The development of an android application of terms register in Malay – English for KSSM Physics and its usability among student teachers Muhamad Zulhelmi Othman This research aims to develop an Android application of terms register in Malay – English for KSSM Physics for Physics student teachers’ use. A need analysis was performed to obtain feedback from ten student teachers about the existence of this application. This application is developed based on the ADDIE instructional model and undergoes a pilot test using a qualitative approach to obtain the initial feedback. After improvement, this application undergoes an application validity process through three experts using face and content validity forms. A quantitative approach was made using the Heuristic Evaluation Questionnaire (HEQ) survey on 30 student teachers to obtain the application usability. This research has produced an application on an Android platform containing 418 extracted terms from Standard Document for Curriculum and Assessment (DSKP) for Form 4 and Form 5 Physics with the application name is FiPhyNeo. FiPhyNeo receives a Content Validity Index (CVI) of 0.93. FiPhyNeo..... 304 hits |
2033 | 2022 article | Teacherss practices in teaching and learning algebraic problem solving Marsilah Anum Marham Algebraic problem solving is one of the important areas in learning mathematics. However, the result shows that student’s performance in algebra mainly in solving problem is not satisfying. This study had two folds aim that are capturing teacher’s view on the teaching and learning algebraic problem solving and also to grasp the idea whether the teacher have implicitly implemented problem posing strategy in a classroom. Thus, the objectives of this study are 1) to gain teacher practices in teaching and learning algebraic problem solving, 2) to find out the difficulties faced by teachers while teaching Form Two students to solve algebraic problem solving, and 3) to find out whether the teachers have implicitly imposed problem posing strategy in a classroom. Participants in the study were 8 experienced teachers who were been teaching mathematics especially mathematics Form Two syllabus and have teaching experience for more than five years. Data were gathered through qualitative techni..... 231 hits |
2034 | 2022 article | Development of a platform for STEM teaching and learning resource materials in the field of discrete Mathematics Suhaida Shahar Zaman Past studies have found that there are constraints on teachers in developing teaching and learning (TnL) resources to implement STEM education in the classroom. Based on this issue, this research has developed a platform containing a variety of STEM TnL resource materials that focus on the field of Discrete Mathematics learning. This field of study is an area of learning in KSSM Mathematics for form four students. It encompasses three titles, namely Logical Reasoning, Operations on Sets, and Network in Graph Theory. Discrete Mathematics was the focus in the development of this platform as it is often considered difficult for students to understand. Additionally, as teachers find it challenging to find suitable learning materials to get students to be more interested. The wide range of TnL STEM source materials contained in this platform makes it easier for teachers to choose and apply them in TnL. The ADDIE model was used as the development model for this platform. This model is among ..... 268 hits |
2035 | 2022 article | Analysis of the relationship between the psychosocial learning environment and learning styles to the achievement of form Four additional Mathematics Nur Haslisa Isa This study was aimed to determine the relationship of psychosocial learning environment, learning styles with the Additional Mathematics achievement besides to identify psychosocial differences in the learning environments and learning styles by gender and school type in achievement. Quantitative approaches with a survey design used for this study. About 205 form four Additional Mathematics students from 13 secondary schools in Setiu district were chosen using strata sampling methods. Research instrument are ‘What is Happening in This Classroom’ (WIHIC) and Dunn and Dunn learning styles. Data analysed using descriptive to describe the level of perception about psychosocial learning environment and the most dominant learning style while inferential analysis involved the MANOVA and Spearman’s Rho correlation test. The findings showed that the students’ familiarity had the highest level of perception while the emotional category learning styles was the dominant of the students. Th..... 231 hits |
2036 | 2022 article | A systematic review on instruments to assess critical thinking & problem-solving skills Alysuliana Alias Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CTPS) are soft skills essential to be equipped among students according to 21st-century learning. Several instruments have been developed to measure CTPS skills among students in various subjects. This review aimed to identify the type of instrument and the context they are used. The research methodology was based on the systematic literature search in online databases, mainly in Scopus and ERIC, complemented by Google Scholar and MyCite. The keywords used during the searching process included “instrument”, “test”, “assessment”, “critical thinking”, and “problem-solving”. The screening process took into consideration the type of publication in which only the articles written in Malay or English language within the year 2017 to 2021 were considered. The result of this review revealed that the test, rubric, observation sheet, and questionnaire were the most used types of instruments. Meanwhile, the contexts of measurement were by..... 262 hits |
2037 | article | A systematic literature review with Bibliometric meta-analysis of AI technology adoption in education Maran Chanthiran Education has undergone various developments and changes according to the current world circulation and the development of technology and science. Moreover, Covid-19 has emphasized the significance of technology in education. The use of technology in education increases collaboration among students and helps in academic achievement. The use of Artificial Intelligent (AI) has become a trend in 21st-century education in providing learning aids that are technological and digital. The purpose of this systematic survey is to identify peer-reviewed literature on the adoption of Artificial Intelligent (AI) in education among educators. Scopus, Web of Science, and IEEE citation databases are used in the data-gathering phase. PRISMA approach and keyword search were extracted and analyzed. This bibliographic data of articles published in the journals over the seven years were extracted. VOS viewer was used to analyzing the data contained in all journals. The findings show that studies are showin..... 188 hits |
2038 | 2022 article | A need analysis for the development of Physics game-based interactive module in matriculation college Nurul Ain Malek Online interactive modules encourage active student involvement in the classroom and fulfil student needs of various levels of mastery during learning, because the modules can be accessed anywhere and anytime. The aim of this study was to conduct a need analysis to obtain the information from matriculation college lecturers for the purpose of developing game-based interactive modules among Matriculation Programme students. A survey was carried out to gain relevant information from 25 lecturers who teach Physics DP014 course at seven matriculation colleges. The questionnaire comprised primary constructs related to demographics, eliciting topics with the most difficulties, the need to develop a game-based interactive module, the use of the internet and electronic devices and the factors that make game-based interactive modules suitable for matriculation colleges. The data were analysed descriptively to obtain the percentage and mean values for all the constructs. The results showed that ..... 357 hits |
2039 | 2007 thesis | Orientasi matlamat dan kaitannya dengan tingkah laku agresif di kalangan pemain-pemain bola sepak 18 tahun juara sekolah 100 plus Lim, Gloriea Fui Chiew Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti orientasi matlamat pemain-pemain
bola sepak bawah 18 tahun, Juara Sekolah 100 Plus, MSSM Peringkat Negeri
Sabah, mengenalpasti kecenderungan tingkah laku agresif responden semasa
bermain dan mengenalpasti situasi dan individu yang mempengaruhi keagresifan
responden. Responden kajian seramai 126 orang pemain bola sepak bawah 18
tahun yang terdiri daripada 7 pasukan yang mewakili gabungan masing-masing
ke Kejohanan Bola Sepak ,Juara Sekolah 100 Plus, Peringkat Negeri Sabah.
Penyelidikan dijalankan dengan menggunakan soal selidik "Task & Ego
Orientastian In Sport Questionnaire' (TEOSQ: Duda & Nicholls, 1989) dan "The
Judgement About Moral Behavior In Youth Sport Questionnaire" ( JAMBYSQ:
Stephens, Bredemeier & Shields, 1993). Dengan menggunakan analisis min
dan ujian t, dapatan menunjukkan responden lebih cenderung ke arah orientasi
tugasan berbanding orientasi ego. Responden juga lebih cenderung melakukan
keagresifan Instrumental dal..... 622 hits |
2040 | 2022 article | We can make it: a probabilistic analysis on the satisfaction in flexible learning Somosot, Ian Saguing When Higher Education Institutions shifted to online learning due to COVID-19, student satisfaction significantly dropped. Study aimed to determine which of the variables significantly influenced the satisfaction in flexible learning. This research employed quantitative design and used, stratified random sampling to determine the 205 respondents who answered the two adapted research questionnaires. Frequency, Spearman’s Correlation, and Binary Logistic Regression were used to statistically treat the data. The study confirmed that majority of the students had access to strong internet connection, and they used mobile data to access internet connection. Study revealed that most of the students used both smartphone and laptop to attend flexible learning. It is presented in this study that both modular learning and online learning were the learning modalities used in conducting flexible learning. Most of the instructors used Google Meet in conducting synchronous learning and LMS in the c..... 327 hits |
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