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21 | 2023 article | Trend of stem and connection of cognitives for carrer interest Rashidin Idris The Malaysian government must prioritise STEM education in schools, especially given recent statistics indicating a very low percentage of student involvement in the STEM field. STEM education is critical to a country's progress and development, so the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013-2025) was launched to ensure that the country has skilled labour resources in the fields of science, technology, technical, and vocational education. The purpose of this study is to delve into the complicated role of the cognitive factor in STEM education, shedding light on its importance in learning and information processing, as well as its impact on students' academic performance. Despite extensive research into cognitive factors in STEM education, there is still a significant gap in understanding how cognition specifically shapes students' interest in STEM fields and careers, particularly in the Malaysian context. The present research seeks to fill this gap by delving into the nuanced relationship b..... 4 hits |
22 | 2023 article | Malcolm knowles theory of andragogy at research management and innovation centre Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (RMIC-UPSI) work based learning model Kesavan Nallaluthan This conceptual paper exposes the implementation of Malcolm Knowles' Theory of Andragogy in the context of Research Management and Innovation at the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (RMIC-UPSI). The study focuses on developing a work-based learning model that aligns with the principles of andragogy, emphasizing the unique characteristics of adult learners engaged in work-based activities. The theoretical framework draws on Knowles' principles, emphasizing self-directed learning, practical application, and the relevance of the learning experience to adult learners. The study exposes an integration of work-based learning in Business Strategic Management subjects as per the course outline in proforma. Preliminary findings suggest that integrating andragogical principles into the research environment at RMIC-UPSI positively influences adult learners' motivation, engagement, and overall satisfaction with the requirements in the course outline learning process. Moreover, the work-based lea..... 4 hits |
23 | 2023 article | His first words are to the dentist assessing a mixed ethnicity high functioning autism child with unsual language development Lee,Sook Huey Unusual speech development is a prevalent factor leading to autism evaluations. This case study presents the assessment procedure for a preschooler of mixed ethnicity who exhibited atypical speech, rigidity, and difficulty with transitions. The assessment results confirm a diagnosis of high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This case study illustrates the diverse modes of language acquisition in children with autism, suggesting that their speech development may differ from neurotypical peers. Future studies could investigate the language acquisition patterns of ASD children who engage in non-social language learning. Understanding the challenges faced by these individuals can play a crucial role in tailoring effective and culturally sensitive interventions to support their overall well-being and development. Keywords: high functioning autism, psychological assessment, language development.. 4 hits |
24 | 2023 article | Cabaran yang dihadapi oleh warga ketika menghadapi wabak covid-19 Lim,Beng See COVID-19 yang terjadi telah menjejaskan gaya hidup rakyat Malaysia pada tahun 2020 dan warga emas juga tidak terkecuali daripada menerima impaknya. Virus ini telah mengancam rutin aktiviti harian semua individu. Kajian ini bertujuan meneneroka cabaran yang dihadapi oleh warga emas di Seputeh, Kuala Lumpur semasa pandemik COVID -19 dengan menemubual sepuluh (10) warga emas berusia 60 tahun dan ke atas. Ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan analisis bertema untuk meneroka pengalaman berkaitan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh warga emas. Berdasarkan temu bual, didapati terdapat enam cabaran y ang dihadapi oleh warga emas semasa pandemik; 1) menjaga kesihatan fizikal; (2) menjaga kesihatan mental dan psikologi; (3) kebolehcapaian terhad kepada perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan; (4) kekangan kewangan; (5) menggunakan alat teknologi; dan (6) dan memastikan keselamatan persekitaran. Kajian ini memberi implikasi kepada kepentingan sokongan sosial dan komuniti selain daripada jaminan kewangan ..... 5 hits |
25 | 2023 article | A critical analysis Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris init student teacher teaching practice experiences a new case study approach Kaaminy Kanapathy The experiences of undergraduates’ student-teachers from the Tamil unit program at Sultan Idris Education university who underwent teacher training are examined in this paper. A crucial part of teacher preparation is practical teaching experience. What the student-teacher has experienced in the teaching and learning environment is unknown, though. What experiences student instructors have while they are in the teaching practice phase is the topic that this study aims to discuss. Since this study is focused on the real-world experiences of student teachers, qualitative research was chosen as the method of inquiry. Additionally, experiential learning and reflective learning theory serve as the theoretical foundation for this investigation. In addition, it was noticed that they were not doing well in their teaching practices throughout the student evaluation. Five student-teachers participated in semi-structured interviews, and they also kept a reflective journal. Contextual information..... 7 hits |
26 | 2023 thesis | Kaedah pengajaran guru Kelas Al Quran Fardu Ain di negeri Perak Siti Khadijah Ishak Tahap pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) guru Kelas Al-Quran Fardhu Ain (KAFA)
boleh dipersoalkan kerana masih di tahap yang minima antaranya dalam aspek bahan
bantu mengajar (BBM), perlaksanaan strategi, kaedah pengajaran, amalan pengajaran,
dan profesionalisme. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kaedah pengajaran guru
KAFA terhadap pelajar-pelajar sekolah agama rakyat di Perak. Kajian ini
menggunakan kaedah tinjauan yang melibatkan pensampelan kuantitatif untuk 160
orang guru sekolah agama rakyat daerah Muallim dan Batang Padang di negeri Perak.
Instrumen soal selidik dibina oleh penyelidik dan disahkan kandungannya oleh tiga (3)
orang panel pakar bidang. Tahap nilai kebolehpercayaan alpha Cronbach bagi semua
bahagian dalam soal selidik adalah tinggi iaitu 0.978. Tiga aspek yang dikaji berkaitan
kaedah pengajaran guru iaitu jantina, tahap pendidikan, dan pengurusan pengajaran.
Manakala, tiga aspek yang dikaji berkaitan pengurusan pengajaran adalah jantina, tahap
pendidika..... 7 hits |
27 | 2023 thesis | The influence of push, pull and mooring factors on brand switching intention among generation Y smartphone users in Malaysia Koo, Xi Min This study investigated the factors influencing Malaysian Generation Y smartphone
users' intention to switch smartphone brands. Generation Y was selected as the study's
targeted respondent because they made up of the majority of smartphone users in
Malaysia. The push-pull-mooring model was used to examine the factors influencing
brand switching intentions in this study. Price and dissatisfaction were the push factors,
variety seeking and social influence were the mooring factors, and attractiveness of
alternatives was the pull factor. The data were collected through self-administered
questionnaire in Kuala Lumpur. Judgmental sampling was employed whereby samples
were purposefully selected based on study criteria and researcher’s judgement. Using
covariance based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM), the data was analyzed with
IBM SPSS Statistic 24 and AMOS 22 through the data collected from 399 respondents.
The results showed that push factors of price (β=0.037, p.. 7 hits |
28 | 2023 article | Understanding borderline personality disorder and depression: a case formulation Choong, Michelle Poh Kin The co-occurrence of depression and borderline personality disorder (BPD) complicates the formulation thus it must be comprehensive to accurately inform an effective treatment plan. The case is TSN, 22-year-old Malay woman who sought psychological help for having recurrent depressed mood and self-harm. Mood assessment indicated high severity of BPD symptoms, moderate depressive symptoms, and mild anxiety. We formulated the case based on 4P biopsychosocial model, Crowell’s biosocial development model of BPD, and Beck and Bredemeier’s unified model of depression. TSN was temperamental and impulsive as a child. Parental invalidating responses and neglectful environment were reported. The loss of close friend had precipitated BPD traits, which exacerbated by multiple interpersonal losses thereafter. Coping with losses using ineffective strategies have gradually resulting depressive symptoms in TSN. We concluded that BPD traits, rather than depression, had triggered and maintained her d..... 8 hits |
29 | 2023 article | Technical education in Nigerian Universities: do students’ perception of the programme changes over time? Auta, Mohammed Adamu This study determined whether undergraduate technical education students’ perception of the programme changes over time. Qualitative design approach was adopted. The population for this study was 174. However, due to the peculiar nature qualitative study, a total of 10 final year undergraduate technical education students drawn from the five Universities offering technical education programme participated in the study. Interview was used as instrument for data collection. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Member checking was used to establish the validity and reliability of the result. Findings from the study indicated that students’ perception of technical education in Nigeria universities relative to the knowledge of the programme prior to admission, the nexus between the programme and engineering/other related environmental courses and job prospect open to them after graduation changes as they advanced in the programme. It can therefore be concluded that vocational..... 7 hits |
30 | 2023 article | Pengaruh sosioekonomi keluarga terhadap kesediaan belajar pelajar sekolah menengah Parvathy Rajan Naidu Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh sosioekonomi keluarga terhadap kesediaan belajar pelajar sekolah menengah. Aspek sosioekonomi yang dikaji dalam kajian ini ialah kemudahan bahan bacaan dan kemudahan infrastruktur. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian kes dengan 15 orang sampel kajian. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada enam orang murid, enam ibu bapa dan tiga guru. Murid-murid yang mempunyai masalah kesediaan belajar dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Data diperoleh melalui kaedah temu bual, pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen. Data yang diperoleh, kemudian ditriangulasikan. Dapatan data temu bual ditentukan dengan proses pengesahan koding Cohen Kappa. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan aspek kemudahan infrastruktur dan kemudahan bahan bacaan sangat penting dalam membantu memupuk kesediaan belajar. Kesimpulannya, sosioekonomi keluarga merupakan satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam membantu memupuk kesediaan belajar pelajar sekolah menengah. Implikasi kajian ini ialah pihak Kementer..... 10 hits |
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