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Publisher: Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan (642 items)
621The theory and practice of couples managing two full-time careers in Malaysia thesis
622The Use of audiovisual media in learning and Its impact on learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Pasamanarticle
623Thinking style preferences and academic performance of students in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) thesis
624Tingkah laku pro alam sekitar dalam kalangan pengunjung kawasan rekreasi air di daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangorthesis
625Towards eco-friendly responsibilities: Indonesia field school model cross reviewarticle
626Towards innovation beyond education and society:rethinking current research for future directionarticle
627Towards the ecotourism development: opportunities and challenges in Delft Island, Jaffna District- Sri Lankaarticle
628Town planners involvement in the planning and design process of Green Building Projects in Malaysiaarticle
629Tradisi pengebumian keranda kayu balak di Sabah dari perspektif etnoarkeologi thesis
630Tradisi pengebumian kubur gantung dalam masyarakat kampung Tellian Mukah, Sarawak 1800 1900thesis
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