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Year: 2002 (10 items)
1Dasar Amerika Syarikat terhadap Asia Tenggara selepas perang dunia kedua sehingga tahun 1970 (IR)monograph
2Evaluation of an Open-Source Web-Based Learning environment (Future Learning Environment - Fle 3)thesis
3Inter-cultural musicology in Music education : perspective thinking for future Music education in Malaysia (IR)conference_item
4Keberkesan pengajaran dan pembelajaran apresiasi pendidikan seni dengan menggunakan multimedia interaktif bertajuk lawatan ke Balai Seni Lukis Negara (IR)monograph
5National Standards and Accountability for Sports Science, Physical education and co-curriculum in Malaysia schools (IR)conference_item
6Professional knowledge and the begining teacher (IR)conference_item
7Quality, standards and benchmarking in teacher education : Whither and Hitherto (IR)conference_item
8Reconceptualizing professional literacy in teacher education : foundations of education reconstructed (IR)conference_item
9Teacher appraisal and teacher professional development : conditions set up for the linkage (IR)conference_item
10Teacher knowledge and professional education : the case of pedagogical content knowledge (IR)conference_item

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