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2081 | 2022 thesis | Influence of rainfall, air temperature, physical and chemical water profiles on Cyanobacteria Biovolume in Slim River lake, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia Yonis Ahmed Kitan This study aimed to identify the influence of rainfall, air temperature, physical and
chemical water profiles on cyanobacteria biovolume in Slim River Lake, Perak,
Peninsular Malaysia. Water samples were collected twice per month for 12 months in five
sampling stations (S1-S5) to represent the lake’s overall condition. Samplings were
consistently conducted at the same time in the morning to reduce the influence of
surrounding air temperature variations. The physical, chemical, and biological parameters
were analysed according to American Public Health Association (APHA) standard
methods. Rainfall and air temperature data were obtained from the Malaysian
Meteorological Department. Data were successfully collected and the results indicated
that Slim River Lake's physical, chemical, and biological water profiles were highly
variable on a temporal scale. Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand,
chlorophyll-a and biovolumes of Microcystis spp. were recorded as ..... 743 hits |
2082 | 2022 thesis | Pembangunan dan pengujian kebolehgunaan aplikasi Augmented Reality, Carbon-ARy bagi tajuk sebatian karbon dalam matapelajaran Kimia Izzul Syahmi Che Russlee Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan sebuah aplikasi Augmented Reality
Carbon-ARy yang mengandungi tajuk Sebatian Karbon sekolah menengah sebagai
sebuah alat bantu mengajar yang boleh diguna pakai semasa sesi pengajaran dan
pembelajaran Kimia. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian Pembangunan
berdasarkan model ADDIE. Pemilihan responden adalah menggunakan kaedah
Persampelan Bertujuan bagi mentadbir Kaji Selidik Analisis Keperluan Pembangunan
Aplikasi dan Kaji Selidik Kebolehgunaan Aplikasi. Pengujian kebolehgunaan turut
dilaksanakan terhadap lima orang guru Kimia. Hasil kesahan pakar memperoleh nilai
pekali 0.93 bagi Content Validity Index dan diterima, Dapatan kebolehgunaan,
mencatatkan nilai min yang tinggi bagi enam atribut yang dinilai iaitu; (i) keserasian
guru dengan aplikasi (min: 70, sisihan piawai: 35.45), (ii) reka bentuk dan paparan
aplikasi (min: 71, sisihan piawai: 30.23), (iii) keberkesanan antara muka aplikasi (min:
80, sisihan piawai: 16.32), (iv) keb..... 501 hits |
2083 | 2011 thesis | Historiografi Melayu dalam Hikayat Jepun Masuk Kelantan Salsabila Abdul Samad Kajian ini meneliti sebuah naskhah Manuskrip Melayu lama berbentuk hikayat. Naskhah yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah naskhah Hikayat Jepun Masuk Kelantan. Teori New Historisisme telah digunakan dalam melaksanakan kajian terhadap naskhah lama ini. Tujuan kajian ini dibuat adalah untuk melihat peristiwa sejarah yang pemah berlaku di Tanah Melayu sebelum merdeka seperti mana telah disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada para khalayak pembaca dalam hikayatnya. Setelah meneliti isi kandungan naskhah Hikayat Jepun Masuk Kelantan, didapati bahawa naskhah ini telah banyak memberikan pengetahuan sejarah kepada pembaca. Antara peristiwa sejarah tersebut tennasuklah peristiwa kemasukkan Jepun ke Tanah Melayu melalui negeri Kelantan, peperangan dan perebutan kuasa, hubungan diplomatik negara kuasa-kuasa besar seperti Amerika, Jerman dan China, konflik masyarakat dan kepimpinan. Semua peristiwa yang diberikan telah disertakan bukti bagi menguatkan hujahan. Justeru, kajian yang dijalankan ini diharap..... 367 hits |
2084 | 2022 thesis | Tahap pengetahuan guru dan sokongan pentadbir terhadap pelaksanaan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah di Daerah Klang Suhaila Muner Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tahap pengetahuan guru dan tahap sokongan
pentadbir terhadap pelaksanaan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD). Selain itu, kajian juga
untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan antara pengetahuan guru dengan tempoh perkhidmatan
serta melihat hubungkait antara pengetahuan dan tahap sokongan pentadbir terhadap
pelaksanaan PBD di daerah Klang. Pendekatan secara kuantitatif digunakan melalui soal
selidik ke atas 500 orang guru sekolah kebangsaan dan jenis kebangsaan. Kaedah
pensampelan rawak berstrata mengikut nisbah dilaksanakan bagi mendapat bilangan
antara murid yang seimbang. Kajian menggunakan analisis deskriptif terhadap tahap
pengetahuan guru dan sokongan pentadbir. Analisis variasi Anova sehala pula
digunakan untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan antara tahap pengetahuan dengan tempoh
perkhidmatan dan analisis inferensi korelasi untuk mencari hubung kait antara dua
pemboleh ubah. Hasil kajian mendapati tahap pengetahuan guru adalah tinggi terhadap
pelaksan..... 1158 hits |
2085 | 2021 article | Enhancing research support to improve scholarly performance of state university graduate students Digo, Gerry S. It is important to establish a culture of research in the graduate school of state universities to stay relevant and competitive in the knowledge-based economy. This paper attempted to enhance the graduate school research support for the improvement of the scholarly performance of graduate students in a state university. The mixed-methods sequential explanatory design was used. An online survey was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire developed through Google form and was participated by 106 respondents. Likewise, interviews were participated by 11 interviewees. Furthermore, some of the findings were triangulated using document analysis. Average and rank were used to analyze the survey data. Findings reveal that the scholarly performance of the graduate students “does not meet expectations at all”. However, the extent of institutional support of the graduate school “fully meets expectation”. The scholarly performances needing improvement were research presentation an..... 348 hits |
2086 | 2021 article | Design thinking for virtual teaching of world history towards 21st century skills development Ramos, Charmen D. The study explored the effectiveness of Design Thinking as a virtual method of teaching World History in developing the 21st century skills of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. The study employed a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest two-group design among 40 students from San Jose National High School, Division of Bohol, which compares the changes that occur within the experimental and control group by measuring the variable at two time periods. The experimental group had undergone the Design Thinking process of empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, testing, and implementing; while the control group was taught using Lecture Discussion. Results confirmed that the implementation of Design Thinking in teaching yielded a significant effect to critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity among the respondents. Notwithstanding the fact that the experiment affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the slow internet connection in the municipal..... 272 hits |
2087 | 2021 article | Describing the significant learnings, challenges, and coping strategies of secondary students in “Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)” in the normal Prospero, Jonave M. This study focuses on the tenth-grade students' significant learnings, challenges, and coping mechanisms by investigating their learning experiences in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) using self-learning modules. The researchers used the qualitative case study method and gathered information through online interviews with the twenty participants who completed their first and second quarters with top grades. The study disclosed the students' significant learnings such as correcting the wrong decision, responsible use of freedom, using the right conscience and identifying acts of man and human acts. Students also experienced difficulties learning EsP using self-learning modules due to a lack of teacher-student interaction and poor time management. However, participants show positivity in coping mechanisms for using internet websites as their learning tool... 310 hits |
2088 | 2021 article | Challenges and struggles of public senior high school Science teachers during the new normal Geverola, Immar Jun R. The rapid increase of COVID-19 has brought challenges in the delivery of basic education and forced teachers to adapt the distance learning modality. It is interesting to find out the teachers' experiences in terms of their preparation, teaching engagement, and challenges in the new normal. The study aimed to capture the lived experiences of Senior High School (SHS) science teachers in the new normal education. Specifically, it sought to (a) determine the conception of science teachers on education in the new normal, (b) describe the challenges and struggles in the new normal, and (c) unveil the coping mechanisms of science teachers in addressing the challenges and struggles. A descriptive phenomenological study based on Colaizzi’s (1978) method was utilized to describe the lived experiences of Senior High School science teachers in the new normal education and their challenges and struggles of the Science instruction. Eleven (11) participants were selected as respondents of the stud..... 217 hits |
2089 | 2021 article | A review of the challenges and merits of collaborative learning in online translation classes Mansour Amini Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide, instructors and learners had to turn to online learning and teaching instead of the traditional physical mode. With this shift to online education, the innovative pedagogical approaches play a key role in facilitating effective communication and teaching approaches. The purpose of this review paper was to explore the merits and challenges of Collaborative Learning approach in online mode of teaching. Using a review protocol, the most recent and relevant studies were identified by searching the keywords from reliable databases, and descriptions were provided. Problems such as accessibility, learner motivation, technical issues, digital skills, time management, and cost-efficiency were identified as some of the challenges in most of the studies reviewed. It was concluded that Collaborative Learning in teaching Translation is an effective and dynamic approach that could contribute to the autonomous learning. A mix of both online and face to face..... 352 hits |
2090 | 2021 article | A comprehensive review on pre-university student essay writing: issues and recommendations Zulkarnain Farihin Abdullah The purpose of this comprehensive review is to discuss the issues that pre-university students often face when writing essays and to propose an alternative approach to implementing the teaching of essay writing such as the use of thinking maps. The focus of this study is to look at the writing status of pre-university in Malaysia as well as the suggestions proposed by researchers through the articles highlighted. Highlights of the study found that one of the key issues that hindered pre-university students from writing essays was the failure of students to master the writing skills and the choice of teacher teaching strategies. In addition, it also indicated that both of these issues have caused students failure to perform well in essay writing. The study also suggests the use of thinking maps in the teaching and learning process of writing essays. Thinking maps are also effective in helping and enhancing students ‘achievement in essay writing. The implications of the study indicate ..... 269 hits |
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