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8291 | 2016 article | Challenges of maximising river sand exploitation in Selangor, Malaysia Ithnin Hamirdin, River sand is a resource that generates income and Malaysia is abundantly endowed with it. The state of Selangor, Malaysia has many rivers and sand exploitation sites are mostly found in these rivers. An important aspect which is given great attention is the potential of the contribution to the state coffer that can be garnered from it. As Malaysia develops, the growth of the building and construction industry expand, and demand for river sand as a construction material increases. In most drainage systems in Malaysia, this resource is ubiquitous. Due to its abundance and easily-exploitable nature, this resource is often unscrupulously exploited in a way which is not to the benefit of the state government as well as to the people in general. This study analyzes the challenges faced by the industry in light of the fast paced development that is taking place in Malaysia and also the regional development in neighboring countries that also affects the health of this industry. The methodolog..... 816 hits |
8292 | 2014 article | Teachers perceptions and students motivation to Thinking-based Learning (TBL) in a classroom context Salih Maria, This paper will present part of a larger study on the development and implementation of a Thinking-based Learning (TBL) instructional manual for secondary science. Two of the research objectives discussed in this paper is to determine teachers’ perceptions in conducting the TBL approach in the regular classroom and the students’ motivation after undergoing a series of TBL activities. Four teachers from 4 different schools volunteered to conduct TBL science lessons to an intact group of 187 students. Another group of 40 MRSM science teachers were given a 2 days TBL workshop. A five point Likert scale questionnaire on teachers’ perception and an intrinsic motivation inventory was used to collect data. The findings showed that despite 79% of teachers who are in favor of the TBL approach, many constrains faced by them might impede the implementation and success of the approach. 85.6% of the students were highly motivated intrinsically after undergoing the TBL lessons. It can be concl..... 774 hits |
8293 | 2014 article | Teachers approaches in teaching literature: observations of ESL classroom Mustakim Siti Salina, Mustapha Ramlee, Lebar Othman, This study aimed to identify the approaches employed by teachers in teaching Contemporary Children’s Literature Program to upper primary school. Using classroom observations and interview as research instruments, this paper evaluates the approaches of five ESL teachers teaching Year 5 students and examines the various challenges faced by them in the teaching of literature. Preliminary findings on the approaches revealed that the incorporation of literary elements in the classroom was minimal. Teachers were lacked creativity and fully utilized the modules provided by the Curriculum Development Centre. The Pre, While and Post-Reading was not employed effectively due to the lack of textbook provided by the school. Nevertheless, the program provides great potential for enhancing students’ language learning in the classroom. This study contributes to the field of curriculum and pedagogy for authentic learning from the evaluation of teachers’ approaches in the classroom learning... 847 hits |
8294 | 2015 article | Tahap kebisingan trafik dan kesannya terhadap persekitaran pengajaran-pembelajaran sekolah di pusat bandar Kuala Terengganu Arifin Rohayu, Hashim Mohmadisa, Che Ngah Mohamad Suhaily Yusri, Nayan Nasir, Saleh Yazid, Bunyi bising merupakan satu perkara yang paling mengganggu kehidupan seharian penduduk berbanding dengan pencemaran lain, termasuk kebisingan trafik di pusat bandar . Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti aras kebisingan trafik dan menilai persepsi guru terhadap tingkah laku pelajar dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas empat buah sekolah di sekitar pusat bandar Kuala Terengganu. Cerapan terhadap tahap kebisingan trafik dilakukan menggunakan Integrating Sound Level Datalogger Model 407780 Extech Instrument, di luar pagar, di dalam pagar dan juga di bangunan yang paling hampir dengan jalan raya pada hari bekerja dan tidak bekerja, di sebelah pagi, tengah hari dan petang. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa aras kebisingan yang dicatatkan di kesemua sekolah yang terlibat adalah melebihi piawaian yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS), iaitu 65 dBA. Secara purata, SK Paya Bunga dan SM Agama Sultan Zainal Abidin mencatatkan aras kebisingan tertinggi berbanding sekolah la..... 1645 hits |
8295 | 2015 article | Tahap amalan penggunaan lestari dalam kalangan guru di Puchong, Selangor Mahat Hanifah, Ahmad Shaharuddin, Ali Noraziah, Che Ngah Mohamad Suhaily Yusry, Waste of resources and environmental degradation are more pronounced in tandem with growing consumerism, rising incomes, technological advances and the growth in population. One strategy to address this problem is to implement sustainable consumption practices. This study aims to identify the level of sustainable consumption practices among teachers, sustainable practices according to race and income. Survey method was used involving a total of 268 teachers from eight secondary schools in Puchong selected by non probability sampling. The result shows a high level of sustainable practices by respondents. It was found that the main factors influencing internal sustainable practices are to save resources and reduce waste, while the main factors influencing external sustainable practices are the attitude to put financial ability as a constraint to cope with sustainable practices that should be done. The findings also revealed that the distribution of crosspractice sustainable use is higher..... 776 hits |
8296 | 2011 thesis | Pengaruh kecerdasan emosi dan personaliti terhadap pencapalan akademik pelajar sekolah menengah Akma Abd. Hamid Kajian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh kecerdasan emosi dan personaliti terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar sekolah menengah. Kecerdasan emosi terdiri daripada lima konstruk iaitu kesedaran kendiri, pengurusan kendiri, motivasi, empati dan kemahiran sosial. Faktor personaliti pula terdiri daripada ekstrovert, kerisauan, pemikiran tegas, tidak bergantung dan kawalan kendiri. Faktor demografi dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada jantina dan lokasi sekolah. Kajian ini menggunakan soal selidik kecerdasan emosi yang diubah suai dan dibina sendiri oleh pengkaji berdasarkan teori Goleman. Soal selidik personaliti menggunakan "The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (J 6FP) " oleh Cattell. Subjek kajian ini seramai 435 pelajar tingkatan empat iaitu 210 lelaki dan 225 perempuan. Data kajian dianalisis menggunakan ujian korelasi Pearson, ujian regrasi berganda (stepwise), MANOVA dan ujian-t. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosi dan konstruk kec..... 1051 hits |
8297 | 2014 thesis | Kecerdasan emosi dan peramalannya terhadap pencapalan akademik dan praktikum guru pelatih Program Bazar Sarjana Muda Perguruan di Institut Pendidikan Guru Tan, Ai Lee Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk melihat perhubungan dan peramalan kecerdasan emosi terhadap prestasi pencapaian dalam kalangan guru-guru pelatih Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PISMP) Ambilan Januari 2008 di Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) di Malaysia. Instrumen pengukuran kecerdasan emosi yang digunakan ialah BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarOn EQ-i). Seramai 382 guru pelatih daripada sembilan bidang pengkhususan yang berlainan di lima IPG terlibat dalam kajian yang dijalankan. Tiga responden juga ditemu bual untuk mendapatkan penjelasan pengamalan kecerdasan emosi semasa praktikum. Hasil kajian secara keseluruhannya mendapati sebanyak 62.8 peratus daripada guru-guru pelatih mempunyai aras kecerdasan emosi yang rendah. Terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara Skala komposit Intrapersonal EQ dengan prestasi pencapaian akademik manakala Skala komposit Interpersonal EQ, Intrapersonal EQ dan General Mood EQ menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan dengan pencapaian praktiku..... 979 hits |
8298 | 2009 article | Stock price movements does change in energy price matter? Abdul Jalil Norasibah, Mat Ghani Gairuzazmi, Daud Jarita, Ibrahim Mansor, This paper investigates the impact of oil price shocks on the Malaysian stock market.The co-integration test results documented zero co-integration equation. This finding implies no long-run relationship between the variables in the system. The causality test which looks at short run dynamic interactions between the variables also documented the same finding where shocks in all types of oil prices do not impose any effect on movements in stock price. This finding leads us to conclude that, a change in oil price(s) has no significant effect on stock market both in the short-run and long-run. These findings also lead us to conclude that, change in oil price, particularly domestic oil price cannot be used as a policy tool in adjusting the stock market in any case shocks in oil price strike again in future... 1390 hits |
8299 | 2014 article | Social science literacy among form four students in Malaysian secondary schools Chang Lee Hoon, Dziauddin Mohd Faris, Jabar Baharuddin, Daud Mohd Noor, Abd Rahman Nurul Firdauz, Othman Zainuddin, An exploratory study was conducted to investigate the social science literacy among form four students in Malaysian secondary schools. The aim of the study was to explore social science literacy in selected social science subjects, namely History, Geography, Moral Education, and Islamic Education as well as the students‟s general knowledge in the area of social science in Malaysian secondary schools. The study also intended to propose guidelines on standards in social science literacy for secondary schools in Malaysia. The study used quantitative research method. Five sets of questionnaires in the form of objective multiple-choice tests were developed to identify social science literacy in the three domains of knowledge, skills and values in the four selected subjects and general knowledge. The respondents were 16 years old students studying in form four at national secondary schools throughout Malaysia. From the total of 4705 respondents, the number of respondents for Geography was ..... 2981 hits |
8300 | 2009 article | Service quality dimensions, perceive value and customer satisfaction: ABC relationship model testing Yeop Yunus Nek Kamal, Ismail Azman, Juga Zubrina Ranee, Ishak Salomawati, The study was conducted to examine the effect of service quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction using a sample of 150 usable questionnaires gathered from undergraduate students in one public university in Sarawak, Malaysia. The outcomes of hierarchical regression analysis showed four important findings: firstly, relationship between perceive value and reliability significantly correlated with customer satisfaction. Secondly, relationship between perceive value and responsiveness significantly correlated with customer satisfaction. Thirdly, relationship between perceive value and assurance significantly correlated with customer satisfaction. Fourthly, relationship between perceive value and empathy significantly correlated with customer satisfaction. This result confirms that perceive value does act as a partial mediating variable in the service quality models of the organizational sample. In addition, implications and limitations, as well as directions for future research..... 932 hits |
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