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The use of humor in the ESL classroom
Raymond Mariadass@Manickam
The aim of this study was to find out the teachers’ and students’ views on the use of humour in the ESL classroom. The study was conducted in 14 Secondary schools (7 urban, 7 rural) in the Larut, Matang and Selama District. 130 English teachers and 420 Form 4 students participated in this study. Two sets of survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The first set was given to the teachers and the other to the students. Nonetheless, items used for both the questionnaire were similar. Then the collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Windows 11.5 Version. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and crosstabs were used to describe the data. The findings showed 95% of the English teachers and 97.6% of responded positively to the use of humour in the ESL classroom. Teachers and students agreed to15 out of 16 reasons for using humour whereby the percentage of agreement was above 80%. The reasons include the use of humour to p.....

908 hits

Expressing opinions through blog: ideas of the ESL students
Yoon, Sook Jhee
This case study aimed at exploring the use of blog in helping ESL student to express ideas. The study investigated the participants’ responses, perceptions and feelings while and after engaging in blogging, and providing and receiving comments. A class of 30 ESL students participated in this study. Topics were given every week for eight consecutive weeks. Participants were free to log on to the blogs. Data from the blog content and self assessment rubrics were collected concurrently with the study. At the end of the study, participants answered questionnaire. Semi-structure interviews were conducted. Data were coded with initial coding, followed by focused coding. Data from the four sources were triangulated. Three major themes emerged from the study. Firstly, based on the number of entries, it is found that blogging motivated the majority of the participants to voice out their opinions. Secondly, comments in blogging serve important roles to the participants. Thirdly, participants l.....

1362 hits

P. Ramlees music: a reflection of culture contact in a multi-ethnic society
Chan Clare Suet Ching,
1957 hits

Taking the chance: a descriptive study of a creative work that utilizes chance and indeterminacy whilst maintaining form
Burrel Robert W B,
733 hits

Kajian laporan penambahbaikan suruhanjaya pilihan raya: satu pandangan
Boyman Siti Noranizahhafizah, Jawan Jayum,
787 hits

Content is king: Malaysian industry experts point of view on local content for mobile phones
Ariffin Shamsul Arrieya, Dyson Laurel Evelyn, McKenzie Darlene Hoskins,
1221 hits

Understanding content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in selected Malaysia Biology classrooms: a case study
Lai, Ying Ying
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand and describe the existing teaching and learning activities of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) conducted in the selected Biology classrooms in Peninsular Malaysia. The study was guided by three research questions, focusing in the nature of the teaching and learning activities, the cognitive levels reflected by the activities through the lens of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT), and the language skills that could be learned through the activities in Biology learning. Three experienced Biology Excellent Teachers and their students were purposively selected as respondents in this study. The data collected through classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, and document reviews were validated through member checking and triangulation. Firstly, the findings suggested that the five main nature of the CLIL activities are interactive, studentcentered, teacher-centered, ICT integrated and exam-oriented. Secondly.....

1836 hits

Pengetahuan pedagogi isi kandungan (PPIK) guru Biologi permulaan dan berpengalaman: satu kajian kes
Zalipah Zakaria
The purpose of this study was to assess and analyse the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of novice and experienced Biology teachers. The study examined five components namely, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of student’s, teacher’s beliefs in the nature of Biology and teaching of Biology. It also aimed to investigate the integration of these components in producing an effective teaching of Biology. Respondents of the study comprised four teachers involving two novice teachers (1-3 years teaching experience) and two experienced teachers (more than 5 years of teaching experience) who were teaching Biology at secondary schools in the district of Rompin, Pahang. This study employed the case study design. The data of this study were analysed thematically with information gathered through semi-structured interview, non-involvement of distant observation and document analysis. This study found that experienced teachers are able to balance PCK components. Experienced.....

2631 hits

Mekanisme penyelesaian pertikaian wilayah antara Malaysia dengan negara jiran: kajian kes sempadan laut Sulawesi dan Limbang
Nadirah Mohd Azmi
As a developing country strategically located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is faced with the threat of territorial and maritime disputes from neighboring countries, especially after the declaration of New Map in 1979. According to this dispute, research was about to see the importance of bilateral negotiation mechanism than other mechanisms in solving the two case studies of territorial disputes based on selected cases of the Celebes Sea and Limbang border. There are three main objectives of this study. First, analyzed territorial dispute highlights which Malaysia had been involve as well as the chosen mechanism. Second, study selected mechanisms and the factors that constraint the conflict through a case study in the Sulawesi Sea dispute and in Limbang border and third to analyze the extent of effective bilateral negotiation mechanisms to be used in the case study of the Celebes Sea and Limbang border. Qualitative method had been used in data collection and applies theory of liberalism.....

2381 hits

Teachers questioning in the teaching of reading comprehension
Mehedhar Singh, Harvindar Kaur
‘Teachers Questioning In The Teaching of Reading Comprehension’ was a study aimed at categorising the types of questions according to the cognitive levels in Barrett’s Taxonomy of reading comprehension; determining the frequencies of lower-order questions versus higher-order questions; identifying the questioning strategies employed by the teachers; and investigating teachers’ views on questioning. Using the Multiple Case Single Site Design, the study was conducted at one of the schools in Selayang with three English Language teachers of Form Four who were selected using the purposive sampling method. Observations were carried throughout five weeks followed by individual in-depth interviews. Two instruments were developed to collect data; a self-developed observational checklist (containing all the five thinking levels in Barrett’s Taxonomy for reading comprehension) and an interview protocol. Frequency counts were made on the data obtained from the observational checklists w.....

1802 hits

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