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9311 | 2014 article | Becoming, collaboration and other alchemy a descriptive study of a creative work that usesprocess-relational philosophy to illustrate how music creation can be viewed as research Burrell Robert W B, 658 hits |
9312 | 2009 thesis | Obesiti dan gaya hidup murid perempuan sekolah rendah di negeri Kedah Darul Aman Faridah Abdul Rahman The main purpose of this research is to identify percentage, their relationships between obesity and lifestyle in primary schools. This research specifically identifies significant differences between Body Mass Index (BMI) in the primary school the relationship between lifestyle factors of nutrition, corelation between physical activities. This study was conducted with the participation of female students (n=380) in seven schools in negeri Kedah Darul Aman; SK Convent Father Barre, SK Kulim, SK Pendang, SK Kuala Kethil, SK Ayer Hitam, SK Titi Gajah, dan SK Langkawi. The statistical procedures used in this study included frequency, means, percentages and t- test. The result shows (n=141; 37.1 %) under weight, (n=131; 34.5 %) is normal. However (n=1; 0.3%) is over weight. There are (n=56; 14.7%) is having a risks and (n=43; 11.3%) are obes level I and (n=8; 2.1%) are obes level II. The result reveals that there is a correlation and significant between ‘Indeks Jisim Badan’ and Physica..... 4017 hits |
9313 | 2009 thesis | Pemilihan ujian kecergasan fizikal berasaskan kesihatan Abu Bakar Abdulloh Health Related Fitness Test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of Physical Education in Teacher Training Institute of Malaysia. Teacher Training Department (BPG) has been using the National Physical Fitness Test (UKJK) to evaluate the physical fitness of Bachelor of Education (PPISMP) as the Physical Fitness Test. For the purpose of this study, FITNESSGRAM, President Challenge, Physical Best, ACSM and AAHPERD were employed. These tests were carried out together with the UKJK tests. Pearson product-moment correlation is used to identify any correlation between the tests components. 17 tests were selected and tested for the duration of four weeks. The results have shown that there is significant correlation between UKJK and the tests employed. The moderately high correlation between Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run and 2.414 km run (r = 0.675), the Partial Curl-ups test and Bent Knee Sit-ups test (UKJK) (r = 0.688), the Push-ups and Modified Push-ups (UKJK) (r = 0.678)..... 2819 hits |
9314 | 2004 monograph | Bullying among national and national type (Tamil and Chinese) primary school children with reference to Perak Yaakub Noran Fauziah, Nagappan Rajendran, Jusoh Ahmad Jazimin, 3065 hits |
9315 | 2004 thesis | Pembelajaran untuk kefahaman - kajian keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah menggunakan teori pembelajaran konstruktivisme Abd Malek Selamat This case study research aims at giving a description of the teaching and learning of history in a secondary school. It then proceeds to elaborate the teaching and learning process that occurs, based on the use of a Constructivist Teaching Module for History (MPKdS being its acronym in the Malay Language), designed based on Needham’s “Phases in Teaching Schemes”. The study involves four phases: Orientation Phase, Observation Phase, Participation Phase and Consolidation Phase. Sampling in the Observation phase consisted of six teachers and seven students. For the Participation Phase, a sample of 28 form four students were selected. They were divided into two groups of fourteen students each. Both the groups underwent two lessons using the MPKdS module. The findings of the study showed that the teaching and learning of history was geared more towards the need of preparing the students for examinations, to the extent that it detracted from the actual purpose of learning history for ..... 2405 hits |
9316 | 2005 thesis | Pembinaan dan penilaian keberkesanan bahan pembelajaran konsep Mol berasaskan web dalam meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar Samsuri Budin@Sudin The purpose of this research is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of Laman Web Konsep Mol to increase students archievements. The website was designed and developed based on Dick & Carey (1996) instructional design model and web design principle by Drew (2000). Student's preferences that were taken into consideration in the web design were the learning strategies, screen design and interaction design. The tools used for web development are Macromedia Deramveaver mx and Microsoft Access xp. Evaluation website consist of thirty two form four students from a school in Batang Padang district, six chemistry teachers and one university lecturer. The experts and teachers who evaluated the website gave positive respons on the learning strategies used in the laman web konsep mol. The topic selected for this research is mole concept for form four students in helping the students to overcome their learning difficulties in mole concept. A quasi-experimental approach, pretest - posttest des..... 1490 hits |
9317 | 2008 thesis | Pembangunan perisian multimedia Info-Gerko Zainal Abidin Sulaiman The praimary objective of this research is to analyse user satisfaction towards a prototype software called Perisian Multimedia Info GERKO among teachers trainee in three(3)TeacherTraining Collages/Institutes in north peninsular of Malaysia. This quantitative study is among trainee teachers in Maktab/Institut Perguruan Perlis (MPP), Maktab/Institut Perguruan Tuanku Bainun (MPTB) and Maktab/Institut Perguruan Ipoh Perak (MPIP). The sampel are among 238 trainee teachers from five (5) uniform units namely, Pergerakan Pandu Puteri Malaysai (PPPM), Pergerakan Puteri Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Pertubuhan Pengakap Malaysia, Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah (PBSM) and St John Ambulans Malaysia (SJAM). The method used in selecting the sample is purposive sampling. The instrument used to measure the user satisfaction of the prototype software Perisian Multimedia Info GERKO is in the form of questionnaires which consists of 50 items with 4 point likert scale which was translated into Bahasa Malaysia and tes..... 4636 hits |
9318 | 2009 thesis | Komitmen guru pendidikan seni visual (minor) kursus perguruan lepas ijazah dalam pengajaran pendidikan seni visual di sekolah rendah Aliza Anthony Abet The purpose of this study was to explore the commitment of visual art teacher’s of Post Graduate Teaching Course in teaching Visual Art Education at primary school. Those teachers had been required to take Visual Art Education as one of their optional subjects or as a minor subject during their study at Teacher’s Institute of Education. This study explored the teaching and learning practice of the subject done by the teachers and the factors that influenced their commitment. The subject of the study comprised of three primary school teachers which are two female and one male. One of those female teacher teaches at town area, another at rural area and one male teacher teaches at inland areas. The Conceptual of Teacher Education model was chosen as the lens through which to view teacher commitment from a holistic perspective. The model provided guidance to the frame work for exploring the phenomenon of commitment with the participants which consist of the knowledge, skill and values ..... 1142 hits |
9319 | 2008 thesis | Kesan penggunaan modul kecerdasan naturalis terhadap pencapaian biologi di kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat Ismail Mohamed Nor The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of a teaching and learning module which applies Naturalist Intelligence (NI module) for the topic microorganisms on form four Biology students’ achievement. This is a 2 X 2 factorial Quasi experiment method. Two aspects being compared are students’ gender and Biology teaching method. NI module used was developed based on Dick & Carey (1985) instructional model. This module was used as an intervention on 30 Biology students from the experimental group while another 30 students from the control group followed the conventional teaching and learning method. Two types of instruments being used in this study were Naturalist Intelligence (NI) checklist and Biology achievement post-test. Both instruments show a Cronbach alfa reliabilities of 0.72 and 0.73 respectively. NI checklist used was to determine the NI score and NI level in both of student groups. Biology achievement test was to determine the Biology achievement. Data obtained..... 5051 hits |
9320 | 2007 thesis | Tahap kemahiran guru-guru pendidikan seni visual mangaplikasikan komputer dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah menengah daerah Kubang Pasu Kedah Mohamad Yusoff Mat Saad The purpose of the study is to gauge the compentency level regarding the application of computer softwares among the secondary schools teachers of Visual Arts Education in the district of Kubang Pasu, Kedah. It was a case study using a qualitative approach. The respondents were selected using a purposive sampling method. A sample of seventeen respondents were involved in this study. The data was gethered through questionaire, interview an observation. These data were analyzed inductively and sistemetically. The results of the study had found that the respondents had achieved certain level of compentency including th application of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator softwares, ability to use the printer, scanners, projectors and digital cameras. They were also able to use computers in the teaching and learning process. However the study also revealed that the level of computer application among these respondents was low. Therefore, these Visual Arts Education teachers neded to be giv..... 5251 hits |
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