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Publisher: Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi (1076 items)
791Social media use for youth mental health awareness and help-seeking attitudes a systematic reviewarticle
792Social thinking in Barathidasan Poems and related current issuesarticle
793Social values in selected arabic poems in Yorubaland Nigeriaarticle
794Socio-historical reading of Harold Pinter\s the room from Georg Lukács perspectivearticle
795Sosialisasi dalam kalangan pelajar antarabangsa di Universiti Pendidlkan Sultan Idris thesis
796Sounds according to Khalil ibn Ahmad Al-Farahidiarticle
797Stick to the point of view of literature:a critical review on Chao Foon and the non leftist Mahua literaturearticle
798Stigma and protective factors: a study of resilience among youth with disabilitiesthesis
799Storytelling to improve speaking skills among ESL students:students\ perceptions thesis
800Strategi berekod berterus-terang dalam kritikanarticle
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