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Publisher: Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif (725 items)
1 Pameran antarabangsa seni visual generasi 21 sokongan kementerian dan kecenderungan karya generasi zarticle
2 Signifikan imej katak sebagai simbol budaya dalam seni cetakanarticle
3'The truth behind : Nelayan Seberang Takir'final_year_project
4‘Kolloum’ dalam perubahan sosio budaya masyarakat India di Malaysia thesis
5“Tonton dan Belajar”: integrasi Edpuzzle dalam subjek kaunter hadapanarticle
61 Slash 100%: gamification of mathematics with hybrid QR-based card gamearticle
73D game avatar with different realism level-A conceptual framework of mediating effects on motivation in game-based learningarticle
8A bibliometric of publication trends in medical image segmentation: quantitative and qualitative analysisarticle
9A CNN based handwritten numeral recognition model for four arithmetic operationsarticle
10A comparative of predictive model of employabilityarticle
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