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Subject: LB Theory and practice of education (1598 items)
101Analisis penguasaan kemahiran penaakulan saintifik, kemahiran proses sains dan kemahiran abad ke-21 dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di jajahan Bachok, Kelantan thesis
102Analisis prinsip-prinsip pembinaan bahan pengajaran dalam buku teks Bahasa Cina Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina tahun satuthesis
103Analisis proses kognisi dalam penulisan karangan Bahasa Tamil sekolah menengah melalui Kaedah Hermeneutikthesis
104Analisis tingkah laku dan penerimaan pelajar terhadap laman perkongsian video pendidikan berfokus thesis
105Analisis ujaran guru Bahasa Melayu dalam pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PDPC) berdasarkan metafungsi interpersonalthesis
106Analyses of training needs of in-service teachers in fostering higher order thinking skills in science teaching thesis
107Analysing the cognitive abilities of form 5 students in learning Biology through hermeneutics pedagogic thesis
108Analysing the relationship of sequential and global learning styles on students historical thinking and understanding : a case study on form four secondary schools students in Malaysia article
109Analysis of parental saving on childrens tertiary educationthesis
110Analysis of teacher beliefs and efficacy for teaching writing to weak learners article
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