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Subject: LB Theory and practice of education (1579 items)
1301Pictorial application in enhancing primary school studenrs writing skillsarticle
1302Popularity of coaching “classes” in India article
1303Pre-service teachers experiences in science teaching input to curriculum enhancementarticle
1304Pre-service Teachers perceptions of remote and hybrid mode of instruction: implications for learning preferencesarticle
1305Prestasi kerja dalam kalangan Guru Sekolah Tamil semasa Pandemik COVID-19 di Malaysiaarticle
1306Prevalence of Math Anxiety among upper secondary students at a private school in Suburban Kuala Lumpurarticle
1307Principal change leadership competencies and teacher attitudes toward change : the mediating effects of teacher change beliefs article
1308Prior knowledge in reading and comprehensionthesis
1309Prior knowledge in reading and comprehension thesis
1310Problem-based learning methods in economics subjects in Indonesian educational institutions a literature reviewarticle
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