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Subject: LB Theory and practice of education (1579 items)
1361Stail kepimpinan guru besar sekolah rendah dan hubungannya dengan tekanan kerja guru di daerah Kota Bharu, Kelantanthesis
1362Stakeholders understanding and attitude on play-based approach in Nigeria preschoolsthesis
1363Standardization of question items to test Tamil case markers – a study article
1364STEM education through project-based inquiry learning: an exploratory study on its impact among year 1 primary students article
1365Storytelling to improve speaking skills among ESL students:students\ perceptions thesis
1366Strategi interaksi sosial guru perdana dalam Pengajaran Inklusif disekolah menengaharticle
1367Strategi pembelajaran bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar di Jerman thesis
1368Strategi pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa asing dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Selatan Thailandthesis
1369Stres dan simptom onychophagia dalam kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah orang Asli article
1370Stress Management Through Teaching and Learning Methods: Which Is a Better Method?article
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