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Subject: HC Economic History and Conditions (33 items)
11Industrial engagement in the technical and vocational training (TVET) system article
12Issues of rural-urban transformation on the fringe of Metropolitan Region: several findings from the Selangor Northern Corridor, Malaysia article
13Kegiatan ekonomi di Kelantan, 1950-an hingga 1970-an article
14Kualiti kehidupan bekerja dalam kalangan staf akademik Generasi Y di Malaysiaresearch_report
15Low-carbon tourism approach as an alternative form for tourism development: a review for model development article
16Malaysia Madani: kefahaman dan kesediaan ketua masyarakat di Tanjung Malimfinal_year_project
17Meningkatkan amalan kepimpinan distributif dalam memacu kecemerlangan universiti di kalangan ketua jabatan akademikresearch_report
18Monetary policy in the presence of external economic uncertainty in selected developed and developing countriesthesis
19Pengaruh Al-Arqam terhadap perkembangan sosioekonomi Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, 1994-2015thesis
20Pengaruh pembolehubah makroekonomi terpilih dan krisis ekonomi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Malaysiathesis
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