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Year: 2023 (1044 items)
581Multi-perspective evaluation of integrated active cooling systems using fuzzy decision making modelarticle
582Musculoskeletal pain and postural awareness among public university studentsfinal_year_project
583Muslimmeds: a recommender for mental health solutions through the Islamic support systemfinal_year_project
584Mychildcare: development daily report of mobile application using android studio for parent and teacherfinal_year_project
585N-Methyl Costaricine and Costaricine, Two Potent Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Alseodaphne pendulifolia Gamb.article
586Naluri keintelektualan menjana minda dalam teks novel kesusasteraan melayu Naratif Ogonshotofinal_year_project
587Need analysis for the development of augmented reality-based electronic design application in secondary school Design and Technology (D&T) subjectarticle
588Need analysis of technology-based Pedagogical Module in 2D Geometry a case study in Malaysiaarticle
589Need frustration, gaming motives, and internet gaming disorder in mobile Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games: Through the lens of self-determination theoryarticle
590Need-supportive coaching behaviour, self-efficacy subjective task value goal orientation and engagement among Chinese high school footbal playersthesis
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