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Mengajar kemahiran berfikir dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Melayu di sekolah rendah: satu kajian di sebuah sekolah di Mersing, Johor
Md Yusof Dawam
Kemahiran berfikir adalah penting dalam sistem pendidikan. Dalam usaha melahirkan pelajar yang berkemahiran dan berpengetahuan, pelaksanaan kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran, khususnya, Bahasa Melayu perlulah diberikan penekanan. Walaupun pelaksanaannya telah lama dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, namun masih wujud lagi masalah terutama dari segi kefahaman guru dan amalan pedagogi. Kajian di Mersing, Johor menunjukkan masih lagi terdapat faktor yang menghalang kelancaran pelaksanaannya terutama pemahaman guru terhadap kemahiran berfikir, alat-alat berfikir, cara pelaksanaannya dalam bilik darjah, dan penggunaan alat berfikir yang sesuai...

2135 hits

The effectiveness of contextual learning in writing among young ESL students
Saraswathy Thevaraya Pillai
This study conducted explains the use and the effectiveness of contextual learning in the teaching of ESL writing skill. The research methodology applied was experimental using the pre-test and post-test. Additional data was also gathered from questionnaire which provided further insight on factors that would affect the successful implementation of contextual learning in schools. The results indicated that the average and low ability group students gained by the implementation of contextual learning. Contextual learning too promoted collaborative and learner-centered learning environment when students engaged in writing process. The significance and implication of the results as well as direction for future research are also discussed...

783 hits

Gender differences: the attitude differences of Malay male and female students towards the use of swear words
Hasimah Ja'afar
This study was conducted to determine the attitude differences of Malay male and female students towards the use of swear words. The respondents consist of thirteen male and thirteen female Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris students aged between twenty and twenty three majoring in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Sport Science, Malay studies and Accounting. The quantitative and qualitative analyses were used in this study. The descriptive statistics is used to report the frequency and percentages and the content analysis suggested by Fraenkel & Wallen (2003) was employed. The findings of this study indicate that the female students tend to use swear words negatively while the male students used it both negatively and positively. Both male and female students feel that factors such as environmental influences, the media and the norm encouraged the use of swearwords. Their approval and disapproval of the use of swear words are visible in their non-verbal language (gesture, .....

599 hits

The effectiveness of using multimedia applications on student performance in vocabulary learning
Thillai Raman Subramaniam
Advancement in computer technology has triggered the development of multimedia CALL programs which can present information in different formats using graphics, text, and video with links to other types of information. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of two multimedia CALL programs on vocabulary acquisition. Samples of the study were 86 intermediate level English as a second language (ESL) students. They were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Students in group one viewed a program with Motion Graphics and text. Students in group two viewed a program that had Still Graphics and text. Their task was to study ten names of hand and power tools. Both groups took the pretest, viewed the video on the tools, and had an immediate posttest and a two-week delayed posttest. Both Motion Graphics and Still Graphics were found to be effective in vocabulary learning in this study. Learning occurred significantly in both groups. However, students in the Motion Graphi.....

2839 hits

Orientasi matlamat & kecenderungan keagresifan instrumental di kalangan pemain bola baling remaja
Baharim Hashim
The purpose of this study is to identify goal orientation and instrumental aggression tendencies among handball players participating in the MSSP Kinta Dua District tournament. In this study, the following aspects were examined; goal orientation, individuals that influence instrumental aggression and situations perceived to influence the athletes’ likelihood to aggress. The ‘Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire’ (TEOSQ) by Duda and Nicholls(1991) was used as the research instrument, together with the ‘Judgement About Moral Behaviour in Youth Sport Questionnaire (JAMBYSQ) by Stephens, Bredemeier & Shields(1993). A total of 166 athletes (85 males and 81 females) from the teams participating in the quarter finals of the district level handball tournament were taken as research samples. The results reveal that athletes’ participation in the MSSP Kinta Dua District handball tournament was task-oriented. There was a significant difference between the task orientation of .....

2736 hits

Sebutan bahasa Melayu baku dalam kalangan penutur satu kajian kes
Ahmad Omar
Kajian   ini   dilakukan   melalui   kaedah   kajian   kes   berbentuk   analisis   dan   kajian kepustakaan. Kajian ini melibatkan sampel yang terdiri daripada 28 orang responden Tingkatan 4  Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik 2 di Sekolah Menengah Teknik Dungun, KM 5, Jalan Paka, 23000  Dungun, Terengganu. Kajian kes difokuskan terhadap aspek sebutan bahasa Melayu baku responden melalui sesi pembentangan  tugasan yang diberikan oleh pengkaji. Pembentangan responden dirakam dan dianalisis mengikut bunyi  sebutan berdasarkan Daftar Umum Sebutan Baku Bahasa Melayu terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991.  Kajian Kepustakaan pula dilakukan untuk mencari fakta-fakta yang releven untuk menyokong dapatan  dan kajian kes. Hasil kajian membuktikan terdapat hubungan yang signifikin antara kelemahan sebutan responden yang  disebabkan oleh pengaruh dialek tempatan, kelemahan sebutan yang disebabkan proses peleburan  terhadap setengah-setengah perkataan dan kel.....

2764 hits

Analysis of questions in the SPM examination and in workbooks based on "The Pearl"
Umah Devi Murugan
This study investigated the relevance of the usage of workbooks and their significance in preparing students for the SPM examination in teaching the novel part of the literature component in the Form Five English language syllabus. The teaching of a novel is a compulsory part of the English language paper in the SPM examination. Teachers and students throughout the country have turned to the usage of supplementary workbooks. Publishers have come out with numerous workbooks to help teachers and students prepare for the literature component in their exam. It is the purpose of this study to find out if these books comply with the English language curriculum specifications lined out by the Education Ministry of Malaysia . A total number of 20 books were analysed using Bloom’s taxonomy of question levels. . The study revealed that most of these books did comply with the curriculum specifications..

1876 hits

Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dalam sukatan pelajaran Sejarah tingkatan empat: satu kajian kes
Pushpalatha Sivamugam
This study seeks to investigate the extent to which the recently revised Form Four History Syllabus has incorporated the Higher Order Thinking Skills. The study also investigates the views of Curriculum and Education department officials as regards to the incorporation of the skills. The teachers’ interpretation of these Higher Order Thinking Skills and the difficulty faced in infusing these skills in the classroom are also presented. Document analysis of the History Syllabus and Specifications for the purpose of identifying the Higher Order Skills was undertaken. These data were also supported with data collected through interviews with six teachers and three Education officials from the History department of the Curriculum Development Centre and State Education Department. The data were again reinforced through the administering of a questionnaire to 163 teachers throughout a particular district in Perak. The findings of the research suggest that the Higher Order Thinking skills ar.....

789 hits

The use of pictures in enhancing the understanding of poems among lower secondary students
Toh Annie
Literature, which once played a prominent role in language studies was excluded from the English subject syllabus when English is established as the second language. Recently, due to the decline in English among students, its inclusion was necessary and it was then implemented as a component in the English subject in March 2000. The intent of this study was to gain a better understanding of the nature of the relationship between the use of pictures and the learning of poems, which is a genre in literature. A quasi experimental research was adopted in the investigation . The subjects involved were fifty eight form one students. They were students of SMJK Perempuan China. Pulau Pinang. Pictures were used as an aid and students also illustrated pictures on their own when asked to read the poems. Data analysis involved the use of Ancova and analysis in percentage on the perception questions based on the Likert Scale. The results of the study indicated that the Experimental Group performed .....

1170 hits

The use of humor in the ESL classroom
Raymond Mariadass@Manickam
The aim of this study was to find out the teachers’ and students’ views on the use of humour in the ESL classroom. The study was conducted in 14 Secondary schools (7 urban, 7 rural) in the Larut, Matang and Selama District. 130 English teachers and 420 Form 4 students participated in this study. Two sets of survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The first set was given to the teachers and the other to the students. Nonetheless, items used for both the questionnaire were similar. Then the collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Windows 11.5 Version. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and crosstabs were used to describe the data. The findings showed 95% of the English teachers and 97.6% of responded positively to the use of humour in the ESL classroom. Teachers and students agreed to15 out of 16 reasons for using humour whereby the percentage of agreement was above 80%. The reasons include the use of humour to p.....

787 hits

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