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8931 | 2005 thesis | Historical thinking skills of pre-service teachers in secondary school studies methods course Md Nasir Masran This study examined the historical thinking skills and pedagogical reasoning of pre service teachers in a social studies methods course. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the historical thinking skills and pedagogical content knowledge of the participants. Differences in the level of historical thinking abilities and pedagogical reasoning illustrated the differences between the participants. This study adds to current research about the teaching and learning of history by focusing on the relationship between historical thinking abilities and the ability to plan effective history lessons. Along with interviews and lesson plans, through this study I identified that participants with very strong and robust historical thinking skills possessed not only excellent historical knowledge but also excellent general knowledge that includes political, economic and geographical knowledge. In possessing a varied repertoire of knowledge enable their mind to flexibly make in depth a..... 1129 hits |
8932 | 2015 thesis | Faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan berwakaf dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam Nor Aishah Ismail Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan berwakaf dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam. Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan dengan melibatkan 365 orang responden di daerah Kota Bharu Kelantan. Model regresi logistik diaplikasikan bagi tujuan mengetahui hubungan antara faktor dalaman iaitu faktor kepercayaan kepada agama, kerohanian dan kepuasan kebajikan, dan faktor luaran iaitu tingkat pendapatan, tahap pendidikan, status pekerjaan dan bilangan tanggungan dengan amalan berwakaf. Hasil analisis kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesemua pemboleh ubah tersebut mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan amalan berwakaf. Faktor pendapatan pula dilihat sebagai penyumbang utama kepada amalan berwakaf. Implikasi kajian ini ialah pihak Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan (MAIK) dapat mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat berwakaf, seterusnya boleh merancang strategi bagi menarik minat masyarakat untuk mendalamiilmu wakaf serta menjadikan wakaf sebagai satu amalan dal..... 1171 hits |
8933 | 2015 thesis | Defect liability period in the construction contract: lessons learnt from an institution of higher education (IOHE) building project Fait Hanapi Construction projects are often given serious attention at early stage, but less emphasize on the Defect Liability Period (DLP). Most parties consider the defect liability period are things that are not important and does not affect the overall performance of the project. Defect liability period (DLP) that has been provided in the contract completely and clearly enough how it is governed. The weakness in the governing DLP will give negative impact on the users of the building and would be detrimental to t.. 708 hits |
8934 | 2015 thesis | Thinking style preferences and academic performance of students in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Mohd Muslim Md Zalli The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the thinking style preferences and academic performance of students at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and its relationship to gender, Kulliyyah/faculty, nationalities and place of origin. The study used a quantitative approach to investigate the thinking style preferences of 360 (137 male, 223 female) IIUM students selected via a stratified random sampling from a total population of 4620 students from three different Kulliyyah/faculty in IIUM. Data were collected using the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) developed by Herrmann (2000). Descriptive analysis (mean, percentage and standard deviation), independent sample t-test, and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were utilized in analysing the data. The general findings of this study revealed that there are no significant differences between the level of academic performance, gender, nationalities and place of origin with regard to the thinkin..... 574 hits |
8935 | 2015 thesis | Pemodelan siri masa kepekatan bahan pencemar udara O3, PM10 dan jerebu menerusi pendekatan kalut Nor Zila Abd Hamid Kajian ini adalah aplikasi pendekatan kalut ke atas pemodelan siri masa bahan pencemar udara ozon (03), zarah terampai (PMIO) dan jerebu yang dicerap mengikut jam di stesen-stesen asas dan metropolitan di Malaysia. Pemodelan kalut melibatkan dua peringkat iaitu (i) analisa dinamik siri masa dan (ii) pembinaan model peramalan. Peringkat (i) melalui kaedah Cao, kaedah m-songsang dan plot ruang fasa menunjukkan kehadiran dinamik kalut dalam setiap siri masa. Peringkat (ii) melibatkan dua langkah iaitu (a) pembinaan semula ruang fasa dan (b) proses peramalan. Untuk (a), dua parameter diperlukan iaitu masa tunda t dan matra pembenaman m . Parameter t: ditentukan melalui penetapan t = 1, kaedah purata maklumat bersama dan kaedah baharu t: - songsang. Parameter m dikira melalui kaedah Cao dan kaedah m-songsang. Langkah (b) dijalankan melalui kaedah penghampiran purata setempat (kpps), kaedah penghampiran linear setempat (kpls) dan kaedah penambahbaikan penghampiran linear setempat (kppls). Pe..... 1185 hits |
8936 | 2015 thesis | Kesan perlaksanaan kaedah simulasi solat terhadap rukun fili bagi pelajar bermasalah pendengaran Mohd Fauzi Isa Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesan perlaksanaan kaedah simulasi solat terhadap rukun fi'li bagi pelajar bermasalah pendengaran dalam mempelajari subtajuk solat bagi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Aliran Vokasional. Sampel kajian yang dipilih adalah seramai 10 orang murid di Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional di Selangor. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kuasi-eksperimen dengan gabungan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Ujian pencapaian (ujian pra-pasca) dijalankan untuk melihat kesan terhadap perlaksanaan kaedah simulasi solat dalam rukun fi'li ke atas pelajar bermasalah pendengaran. Dalam kajian ini, instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah ujian penilaian, ujian amali dan senarai semak. Analisis data dilakukan secara perbandingan yang dapat dilihat secara visual di antara sebelum dengan selepas mendapat rawatan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat kesan yang signifikan terhadap kaedah pengajaran simulasi solat ke atas pelajar be..... 1524 hits |
8937 | 2015 thesis | Marasil Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq Man Kitab Al-Zakah Muhamad Rozaimi Ramle The purpose of this study is to compile the marasil (al-Hadith transmitted without the mention of the Prophet's companions) that are recorded in Musannaf of Imam 'Abd al-Razzaq in the chapter about zakah and to study them in terms of ascription (chain of narrators) and text (matan). Firstly, this study looks at the conditions of their ruwat (narrators) and later evaluates their shawahid and mutaba'at to determine their status i.e. whether they can be elevated to the level of Hasan li Ghayrihi. This study also includes a brief biography of Imam 'Abd al-Razzaq covering his lineage, teachers, students and his intellectual status in the Islamic intellectual discourse. This study also focuses on his methodology of writing Musannaf and the issues of the al-Hadith alMursal. There are two methods used by the researcher in order to pursue this study: firstly, a descriptive and inductive method which is applied in order to analyze information in connection to Imam 'Abd al-Razzaq and issues of al..... 2414 hits |
8938 | 2015 thesis | Analisis masalah disiplin berat dalam kalangan pelajar di sebuah sekolah menengah Marydevi Taniapa Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti jenis-jenis masalah disiplin berat berlaku yang dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan satu dan tingkatan dua di sebuah sekolah menengah di negeri Perak. Seramai 20 orang pelajar dipilih sebagai responden kajian ini. Kaedah Pedagogi Hermeneutik digunakan dalam kajian ini untuk menganalisis data. Transkrip temu bual digunakan untuk mengumpul data daripada responden. Hasil kajian menunjukkan jenis-jenis masalah disiplin berat yang sering berlaku dalam kalangan pelajar ialah kes pergaduhan, merokok, buli dan peras ugut. Faktorfaktor paling dominan yang menyebabkan berlakunya masalah disiplin berat dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah ialah faktor rakan sebaya dan ibu bapa. Oleh hal yang demikian, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan pihak ibu bapa harus bekerjasama dengan pihak sekolah bagi mengurangkan masalah disiplin berat dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah... 1183 hits |
8939 | 2015 thesis | Relationship among lean manufacturing practices, ISO 14001 and environmental performance in Malaysian automotive suppliers Siti Norhafizan Hibadullah Lean manufacturing practices (LMP) focus on the systematic elimination of waste and non-value added activity from the production process for improved EP. Meanwhile, ISO 14001 is an international standard that assist managers to reduce environmental impact and to expand business. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between LMP, ISO 14001, and EP for Malaysian automotive suppliers. In this study, 275 sets of questionnaire were successfully collected that brought to 68.8% response rate. Structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was utilized to perform the statistical analysis of the data survey. Reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out. The results showed that the impact of LMP implementation on EP increases with a mediating of ISO 14001 in Malaysian automotive suppliers. Thus, this research which has undergone detailed methodology and analysis and contributing to the limited existing literature in the relatio..... 696 hits |
8940 | 2015 thesis | The effect of scaffolding techniques in writing report based on non linear texts Ilya Azliana Zulkifli The study examined whether the scaffolding techniques used in writing reports on non linear texts helped students. Students did not use appropriate trend words such as “going up” and “going down” instead of “increased” and “decreased”. The subjects of this study consisted of 56 form 6 students of a secondary school in the district of Tapah, Perak and they were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught with the scaffolding techniques meanwhile the control group was taught with conventional teaching method. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, pretest, posttest and semi-structured interviews. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. The questionnaires were carried out to find out how far the students were aware of the report text structures and the use of trend words in report writing. The results showed that 73.3% of the students were aware of the report text structures but..... 828 hits |
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