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Year: 2022 (749 items)
1 Pameran antarabangsa seni visual generasi 21 sokongan kementerian dan kecenderungan karya generasi zarticle
2 Pandangan Guru Tadika terhadap Aspek Kemahiran Sosial dalam Kalangan Kanak-kanak: Satu Analisis Keperluanarticle
3 Pembangunan modul bacaan ekstensif bagi murid sekolah rendah: satu analisis keperluanarticle
4 Penggunaan permainan interaktif dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak suatu inovasiarticle
5 Signifikan imej katak sebagai simbol budaya dalam seni cetakanarticle
6 Socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors in the academic performance of elementary pupils of Alfonso Lista DistrictIfugao, Philippinesarticle
7 The accounting information system (AIS) effectiveness and SMEs performance a conceptual paperarticle
8 The level of knowledge and perception of secondary school students on i-think mind map in the district of Merlimau, Malaccaarticle
9 The Other / The Beloved in the Poetry of Ibn Khafajaharticle
10A case of using TPACK framework as a tool to evaluate a TESL pre service teacher education programmethesis
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