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Lapan aspek Meyppattiyal dalam sajak moden Arivumathi
Sugunadevi Veeran
This study aims to identify the Meyppattiyal elements found in Arivumathi’s poems, examine the similarities and evaluate the differences of Meyppattiyal situations found in Arivumathi’s poems and feelings articulated in Tholkaapiyam’s work. The study was conducted using qualitative methods including textual analysis, and library research. The data obtained were then analyzed using quantitative, qualitative and explained using deductive, inductive and comparative methods. The explanation is given based on the theory of Meyppatu put forward by Tholkappiyar. A total of 575 poems from 13 books of modern poetry published between 1977 to 2015 were used as research sources. The findings of this study show that modern Arivumathi poetry has eight aspects of Meyppatu namely nakai (laughter), alukai (crying), ilivaral (shame), marutkai (admiration), accam (fear), perumitam (pride), vekuli (anger) and makilcchi (joy) as expressed in Tholkaapiyam. The results also show that not all.....

355 hits

Pemaparan imej masyarakat Tamil Malaysia dalam kumpulan puisi tradisional Thenkoodu
Ponnei Kannan
This study tries to identify the image of the Malaysian Tamil community and to look at the social problems that surround the Malaysian Tamil community by analysing the poems written by Mr. Seeni Naina Mohamed. Its aim is to explore the various techniques deployed in exposing the prevailing problems amongst the Tamil community of Malaysia, as found in the ‘Thenkoodu Collection of Poems’. This study uses the sources of data which are taken from the 265 poems found in the ‘Thenkoodu Collection of Poems’. A Sociologist Theory – Functionalist Perspective is used as a reliant for this qualitative study. This study is aimed at analysing the underlying social problems of the Malaysian Tamil community, using the thematic analysis collected through the documental study and the unstructured interviews conducted. The study finds that the social problems amongst the Malaysian Tamil community can be divided into 6 social indicators. These poems also put forth the solutions to the problems,.....

745 hits

Unsur satira dalam kumpulan sajak En Kanavukalum Koncam Kavitaikalum
Agilan Subramaniam
Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti unsur-unsur satira; menganalisis motif penggunaan unsur-unsur satira berdasarkan teori angkatam (satira) dan menghuraikan sebab penggunaan unsur-unsur tersebut dalam kumpulan sajak En Kanavukalum Koñcam Kavitaikalum karya N. Patchaibalan. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan kaedah analisis teks berdasarkan teori angkatam yang dipelepori oleh Tolkappiyiar. Analisis dan perbincangan dibuat berpandukan teori angkatam yang terdiri daripada cemporul angkatam (satira secara langsung) serta palikara angkatam (satira secara tidak langsung) berdasarkan tiga sasaran yang iaitu individu, masyarakat dan politik. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa N. Patchaibalan telah menerapkan kesemua angkatam yang dikaji kecuali palippatu pol pugalvathu (kejian yang terungkap dengan pujian) yang disasarkan kepada bidang politik. Dari segi cemporul angkatam, pengkaji dapat mengesan sebanyak 17 sindiran yang merangkumi tujuh sindiran terhadap individu d.....

553 hits

Keberkesanan bengkel dalam meningkatkan kemahiran teknologi maklumat dan tahap motivasi guru terhadap proses penilaian dalam talian
Chelva Letchmanan
Bengkel merupakan satu pendekatan yang berterusan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) dan tahap motivasi guru dalam pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Abad Ke-21 (PAK21). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mereka bentuk dan melaksanakan bengkel Penilaian Dalam Talian (PDT) serta menilai keberkesanan bengkel dalam meningkatkan kemahiran TMK dan tahap motivasi para guru Bahasa Tamil. Di samping itu, kaji selidik tahap motivasi guru terhadap PDT sebelum dan selepas bengkel telah dijalankan. Seramai 50 orang guru Bahasa Tamil telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian melalui pensampelan bertujuan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah campuran di mana kaedah kualitatif dijalankan menerusi temubual manakala kaedah kuantitatif dijalankan menerusi soal selidik dan ujian pra dan pasca. Bengkel PDT telah direka bentuk dan dijalankan berdasarkan sembilan tema utama daripada instrumen temu bual. Keberkesanan bengkel dianalisis melalui kaedah pra-eksperimental dengan menggunakan in.....

806 hits

The redeployment of English language teachers in secondary schools in Malaysia : an analysis of policy implementation
Nor Hisham Ismail
The quality of English teachers in schools is one of the contributing factors in students’ proficiency in the language. Hence, the purpose of this study was to develop teacher redeployment good practices that could help minimize mismatch of English Language teachers in schools. The needs analysis of this study explored domains of the policy implementation and using the domains this study develops strategies to achieve the domains and formed the teacher redeployment good practices profile. This study used triangulation method in collecting information from interviews, observation and document analysis. Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) was adopted to develop good practices of teacher redeployment policy implementation profile. There were two domains developed to form the profile which were the mechanism and strategies and the contributing factors. There were three themes constructed under each domain and 42 sub items supported the themes to develop the redeployment policy implement.....

608 hits

Pembangunan instrumen penyeliaan guru bidang penyediaan dan penyajian makanan
Juniza Jubri
Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk membangun instrumen penyeliaan guru bidang penyediaan dan penyajian makanan. Model Pengajaran Danielsson yang mengandungi empat konstruk pengajaran iaitu (a) perancangan dan persediaan, (b) persekitaran kelas, (c) strategi pengajaran dan penilaian, serta (d) tanggungjawab professional telah digunakan sebagai konstruk utama kajian. Reka bentuk kajian adalah pembangungan instrumen melalui tiga fasa. Dalam fasa pertama, temu bual bersama tujuh (7) orang pakar bidang telah dijalankan untuk menentukan konstruk yang penting dalam instrumen penyeliaan guru dalam bidang penyediaan dan penyajian makanan. Fasa kedua menfokus kepada pembangunan instrumen berdasarkan input temu bual dan persetujuan pakar Delphi melalui tiga pusingan. Persetujuan antara pakar adalah berdasarkan analisis Julat Antara Kuartil (JAK). Hasil daripada analisis JAK, 12 item digugurkan dan 10 item perlu diubahsuai pada pusingan kedua. Pada pusingan yang ketiga, semua item telah .....

407 hits

Reka bentuk modul pembelajaran koperatif jenis padanan untuk kemahiran perbendaharaan kata bahasa Indonesia kanak-kanak
Ratin Wahyu Juni Atma
Kajian ini bertujuan mendapatkan kesepakatan pakar terhadap reka bentuk modul pembelajaran koperatif jenis padanan untuk kemahiran perbendaharaan kata bahasa Indonesia bagi kanak-kanak. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mengenal pasti komponen utama bagi reka bentuk modul pembelajaran koperatif jenis padanan bagi kemahiran perbendaharaan kata bahasa Indonesia kanak-kanak berdasarkan kesepakatan pakar dan mengenal pasti elemen dalam komponen utama bagi reka bentuk modul pembelajaran koperatif jenis padanan untuk kemahiran perbendaharaan kata bahasa Indonesia kanak-kanak berdasarkan kesepakatan pakar. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 15 guru dan pensyarah bidang pendidikan awal kanak-kanak yang dipilih berdasarkan persampelan tujuan. Dalam kajian ini, kaedah Fuzzy Delphi (FDM) menggunakan lima skala Likert digunakan bagi mengumpulkan data kesepakatan pakar. Borang soal selidik dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada 59 item yang terkandung dalam reka bentuk modul pembelajaran koperatif jen.....

831 hits

Social support, psychological factors and substance use among early adolescents in Malaysia
Nor Hafifah Abdullah
The main objective of this study was to examine the determinants predicting substance use among early adolescents in Malaysia. The predictors were social supports (received from family, peer and school) and psychological factors (resilience and depression). This study used secondary data from the National Anti-Drug Agency (NADA) obtained from 2177 secondary school students aged 13 to 14. Data were collected from six main zones in Malaysia, which were north (Pulau Pinang and Kedah), middle (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur), south (Johor), east (Kelantan), Sabah and Sarawak. The instruments used in this study were Adolescent Concern Evaluation, Resiliency Scale and Substance Use Questionnaire. The data was analysed using binomial logistic regression analysis with an alpha level of .05. Findings showed that the significant predictors to substance use activity were social support received from school (β = -.82, Wald = .10, p = .00), resilience (β = -.60, Wald = .13, p = .00) and soc.....

777 hits

The dynamic impact of government expenditure in education on economic growth
Norimah Rambeli @ Ramli
The focal aim of this study is to examine the validation of education-led economic growth hypothesis in Malaysia under the recovery period following the 2008 world economic crisis. Specifically, this study implemented the augmented Cobb-Douglas model in order to observe the dynamic relationship between selected variables including, industrial production index, gross fixed capital formation, employment, government spending on education and broad money supply. This study adopted the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) in analysing the dynamic impact between variables and generally supports the education-led growth hypothesis in the short and long run. Specifically the study corroborates the bidirectional causality between education spending and economic growth, and vice versa, in the short run. The result also reveals that long-run equilibrium relationship exists between government expenditure in education and economic growth in Malaysia during post-crisis recovery regime. The education.....

475 hits

Ankle range of motion and dynamic balance in recreational Sepak Takraw players with and without ankle injury-A comparative study
Ali Md Nadzalan
Sepak Takraw (ST) is considered Malaysia’s national sport, and the nature of this sport requires players to be sufficiently acrobatic. Therefore, players were expected to jump and regain their balance, challenging their dynamic balance (DB). Nonetheless, range of motion (ROM) is closely related to balance. Hence, this study aimed to compare recreational ST players’ ankle ROM and DB differences with and without ankle injuries...

1032 hits

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