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Kesilapan sebutan nada bahasa Mandarin dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu
Chuah, Kee Ping
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti dan menganalisis kesilapan sebutan nada serta membanding persepsi pelajar terhadap kesukaran sebutan nada dan kesilapan sebenar dalam sebutan nada Bahasa Mandarin dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu. Kajian deskriptif berdasarkan tinjauan ini melibatkan 88 orang pelajar UiTM yang mengikuti kursus Bahasa Mandarin sebagai subjek kajian ini. Rakaman suara bacaan sebutan kata dwisuku dianalisis dengan perisian Praat untuk menganalisis dan mengenal pasti kesilapan sebutan nada. Soal selidik diedarkan kepada subjek kajian untuk mengenal pasti dan menganalisis serta membanding persepsi pelajar terhadap kesukaran sebutan nada kata dwisuku dengan kesilapan sebenar yang dilakukan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa persepsi pelajar terhadap kesilapan sebutan nada adalah tidak selaras dengan hasil analisis sebenar. Maka, penekanan terhadap semua kategori sebutan nada kata dwisuku adalah diperlukan. Kesilapan interlingual, intralingual, dan developmental dan pers.....

1705 hits

Kepimpinan instruksional dan hubungannya dengan amalan pembelajaran profesional di sekolah berprestasi tinggi negeri Selangor
Rodzimah Mohd Rodzi
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kepimpinan instruksional guru besar dan hubungannya dengan amalan pembelajaran profesional guru di sekolah berprestasi tinggi negeri Selangor. Reka bentuk kajian kuantitatif dipilih dengan menggunakan kaedah tinjauan deskriptif untuk menjawab persoalan kajian dan hipotesis. Satu set instrumen telah digunakan untuk menilai kepimpinan instruksional guru besar dan amalan pembelajaran profesional guru di sekolah kajian. Seramai 244 orang guru dari enam buah sekolah berprestasi tinggi negeri Selangor telah dipilih menjadi responden menggunakan teknik persampelan rawak bersistematik. Analisis statistik deskriptif iaitu skor min serta sisihan piawai dan inferensi seperti ujian t, ANOVA dan analisis korelasi Pearson telah digunakan untuk menjawab persoalan kajian. Secara keseluruhannya dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepimpinan instruksional guru besar dengan amalan pembelajaran profesional guru. Kajian in.....

1551 hits

Hubungan antara pengambilan kalori dan aktiviti fizikal dengan prevalen kegemukan dan obesiti dalam kalangan pelajar yang bekerja
Dewi Hartaty Kholid
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti hubungan antara pengambilan kalori dan aktiviti fizikal dengan prevalen kegemukan dan obesiti dalam kalangan pelajar yang bekerja. Seramai 54 peserta pelajar lelaki (n=26) dan wanita (n=28) pasca siswazah Sains Sukan UPSI yang bekerja secara profesional terlibat dalam kajian ini. Pengambilan kalori dikira berdasarkan rekod diet harian selama tiga hari. Penggunaan kalori dikira berdasarkan aktiviti fizikal peserta dalam seminggu iaitu jenis aktiviti fizikal, kekerapan dan tempoh setiap sesi dilakukan. Komposisi tubuh badan diukur menggunakan stadiometer BSM 370 dan mesin InBody 370 dengan merekodkan tinggi, berat badan, Indeks Jisim Tubuh (IJT), peratus lemak tubuh dan nisbah pinggang pinggul. Data demografi dianalisis menggunakan analisis data statistik deskriptif manakala ujian-t sampel tidak bersandar dan ujian korelasi dianalisis menggunakan statistik inferensi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan lebih 60% pelajar diklasifikasikan dalam kategori .....

2095 hits

The age-structured stochastics-(I (C) I (A))-R Model for acute and chronic hepatitis B disease mapping in Malaysia
Syabirah Md Ali
The main objective of this study is to introduce an alternative method to estimate the relative risk for acute and chronic hepatitis B based on the age group. This study considers the transmission of the disease in the S-(I(C) I(A))-R stochastic model and used it as the equation for relative risk. In this study, the SIIR model related with hepatitis B have been revised and expanded to formed an the alternative S-(I(C) I(A))-R model according to the age structure. Model S-(I(C) I(A))-R are based on the age structure proposed used to estimate the relative risk for acute and chronic hepatitis B in Malaysia. Results are compared with the general method used to estimate the relative risk by using SMR and Poisson-gamma model. Results of the analysis of data from Malaysia showed that, for acute hepatitis B, children identified as having a higher risk compared to adults. While for chronic hepatitis B, adults identified as having a higher risk compared to children. This decision is based on the.....

777 hits

The development of critical reflection manual for promoting critical reflection of UPSI’s student teachers undergoing teacher clinical experience
Wong, Yeou Min
This study aimed to develop a critical reflection manual (CRM) to promote critical reflection among student teachers in teacher clinical experience (TCE). To achieve this aim, various tools for reflection in TCE were explored; reflective components in each reflective tool that are required to promote critical reflection among student teachers in TCE were discovered; and the level of reflection among student teachers during TCE was analysed. During the process of developing and refining the CRM, validation forms were given to four student teachers and fourteen experts who are senior lecturers from the renowned teacher education institutions to determine the face and content validity of the CRM. Case study design was used in this study. Ten Bachelor of Education with honours in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) student teachers of Sultan Idris Education University who have undergone TCE were purposely selected as the research participants. Data was collected from the self-refl.....

3269 hits

Proses kreatif dan pemikiran: kajian puisi A. Wahab Ali dan Kemala
Ghazali Din
Disertasi yang bertajuk “Proses Kreatif dan Pemikiran: Kajian Puisi A. Wahab Ali dan Kemala” ini dibuat bertujuan mengkaji bagaimana mereka menghasilkan karya kreatif. Perbincangan memberi fokus kepada proses kreatif dan pemikiran dari hasil karya yang dihasilkan yang bertitik tolak daripada latar belakang kehidupan dan pendidikan. Aspek ini dianggap relatif dengan dunia penulisan kreatif dalam semua genre kesusasteraan. Setiap pengarang mempunyai proses kreatif tersendiri yang memberi kesan kepada karya yang dihasilkan. Pengkaji melihat penyair A. Wahab Ali dan Kemala memiliki kekuatan rohaniah dan jasmaniah serta pengaruh bakat dan psikologi yang perlu dikaji bagi menjawab persoalan bagaimana pengalaman hidup dan pendidikan mempengaruhi proses kreatif mereka melahirkan karya yang mencapai pengiktirafan peringkat nasional, serantau dan dunia. Persoalan kedua, keperluan melihat bagaimana proses kreatif berlaku dari peringkat awal hingga menjadi sebuah karya. Proses kreatif penyair .....

3045 hits

Pengintegrasian kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi merentas kurikulum standard sekolah menengah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran
Tee Tze Kiong
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasi kemahiran berfikir atas tinggi (KBAT) Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) dengan membangun dan menilai modul Peta Minda Buzan (PMB) bagi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Asas Vokasional (PAV). Keberkesanan modul PMB terhadap pelajar tingkatan satu PAV diuji melalui tahap pencapaian pelajar. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan reka bentuk kuasi ekperimental yang terdiri daripada satu kumpulan rawatan dan satu kumpulan kawalan yang melibatkan 88 orang pelajar. Data pencapaian pelajar dianalisis dengan ujian pra dan ujian pos pencapaian. Kumpulan kawalan mengikuti kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara konvensional berasaskan modul sedia ada manakala kumpulan rawatan pula diberikan rawatan semasa pembelajaran menggunakan Modul PMB. Perbezaan min pencapaian pelajar dianalisis dengan perisian SPSS dan tahap penguasaan PMB dinilai dengan rubrik PMB. Secara keseluruhan, dapatan kaj ian mendapati pelaj ar tingkatan satu PAV .....

2089 hits

The execution of the Green Building Project in Klang Valley, Malaysia: A pilot study
Kamarul Ismail
Execution of the green building project specifically among the housing developers in Malaysia is still at its infancy. As of August 2016, there are only 16 housing projects certified by the Green Building Index (GBI) under the category of Residential New Construction (RNC) since the assessment systems established in 2010. The authors address this issue in the context of the factors affecting the execution of the green building project among the housing developers in Klang Valley. A pilot study by using questionnaire survey was conducted among 30 housing developers from 10 different zones divided by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia. This paper aimed to report the results of the reliability test of the designed questionnaire. The results based on the Cronbach’s Alpha analysis showed that the items used in the questionnaire were reliable and obtained an acceptable level of internal consistency, which were relevant for the main study. The pilot study revealed that o.....

6029 hits

The development of on job training assessment constructs and elements for construction technology students in Malaysian Vocational College
Mohd Firdaus Mustaffa Kamal
  On Job Training (OJT) (organisation) assessment rubric is widely considered instrumental in assessing Diploma in Construction Technology students with required competencies to function effectively in the work environment. OJT remains predominantly process-focused with little attention to the criteria in OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. The aim of this study is to develop constructs and elements for OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. The research design for this study is a survey that was carried out qualitatively through document analysis to identify the constructs and elements in the OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. From meta data analysis, 110 elements are identified to be the constructs and elements in OJT (organisation) assessment rubric. After the expert validation process using questionnaire form as an instrument, only 75 elements are valid to be included in the OJT (organisation) assessment rubric while 35 elements discarded. The majority of experts agreed that .....

3173 hits

Acute physiological responses and performance following subsequent CrossFit CINDY workout with Zea Mays juice
Ruaibah Yazani binti Tengah
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological responses and performance following subsequent repeated high intensity exercise with consumption of Zea may juice (ZM). Material: Total of seventeen participants involved in the study. They were physically active who had cardio and strength training at least 3 times per week. The age of participants was 21.8±1.7 years old, body weight 65.4±11.2kg and height 169.7±7.2 cm. Crossfit ‘CINDY’ exercise were repeated between two hours of rest. Treatment beverage of (ZM) juice vs Carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) drinks were consumed immediately after exercise in double blind cross over manner. Number of complete set of exercise, heart rate, blood lactate and rate of perceived exhaustion (RPE) were recorded at the end of each exercise session. Results: Total number of complete ‘CINDY’ exercise significantly increased in ZM juice group during second bout of exercise compared to CE drink group. There were no significa.....

2204 hits

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